
SWPR token is a mainnet ERC20 token with a max supply of 100,000,000. The token was minted by an anonymous deployer and distributed to both the SWPR airdrop contract and DXdao Treasury. You can view the signal proposal submitted by the deployer here.

The initial distribution is meant to distribute governance rights over the Swapr protocol, attract more stakeholders into the Swapr ecosystem, bootstrap liquidity on Swapr and further engage those that have contributed to Swapr development.

DXdao Treasury: 50%

The DXdao Treasury allocation is a large portion of tokens that distribute Swapr fees to DXD holders. Swapr is a product of DXdao. If both the Swapr Guild and DXdao identify a mutual benefit, these funds will be used for new farming campaigns, partnership opportunities, Fast-exit liquidity and more.

Swapr Treasury: 18%

The treasury allocation is designed to provide initial funds to the Swapr Guild to utilize as necessary operating costs. This includes any allocation of liquidity mining rewards, deployment to additional networks, and improvements to Swapr through bounties and contribution rewards.

Liquidity Incentives: 14%

Liquidity is the absolute most important facet to Swapr’s success. The liquidity incentives allocation will focus on distributing SWPR token fairly between several chains, prioritizing relevant pairs. You can read more on the initial liquidity mining campaign below.

DXD Holders: 8%

The DXD allocation will integrate an initial group of community members that already care for the success of Swapr through their commitment to DXdao. The snapshot date for the DXD holders allocation was August 19, 2021 at midnight UTC. Locked tokens will be vested for two years with a one-year cliff. Additional information can be found in the below Airdrops section.

  • Locked (4% vested over 2 years with a one year cliff).

  • Unlocked (4% unvested).

Note: In the initial deployment, a small number of DXD holders received less SWPR than anticipated. Smart contract wallets and some DXD Swapr LPs are affected and will have their SWPR airdrop sent manually. If you have a question about your DXD airdrop, please go to the #SWPR-airdrop Discord channel.

Swapr Builders 6%

The Swapr Builders allocation distributes SWPR token to those who were instrumental in Swapr’s initial development and future growth. This is accomplished through vesting that unlocks as milestones are achieved rather than a static timeframe.

  • Swapr Builders (4% vested and unlocked at milestones).

  • DXdao Contributors (1% vested over 1 year).

  • Active REP Holders (1% vested over 1 year).

Community Airdrops 4%

This allocation aims to attract users from relevant projects to integrate them in Swapr’s growing community. More information on these allocations can be found below.

Last updated